Riverfront Commons
Riverfront Commons from MAC Productions AV on Vimeo.

Fostering a Vision of Northern Kentucky’s Future
Riverfront Commons is an 11.5 mile walking/ biking path that runs along the Ohio River from the city of Ludlow on the west to the city of Ft. Thomas on the east. Eco-system Restoration, Riverside Stabilization, Economic Development and Recreation are benefits from the development of this venue. An interactive map and website of Riverfront Commons can be viewed here.
Nodes (intersecting pathways) will provide connections to attractions in all of six Southbank cities. Once created Riverfront Commons will make the south bank of the Ohio the most interesting walkway/bikeway in the mid-west. Riverfront Commons will seamlessly connect over the Purple People Bridge to trails in Cincinnati, to the Licking River Greenway in Northern Kentucky, and to Devou Park in Covington.
The 15-20 foot wide path will feature open park space at strategic points along the river, accommodating both walkers and bikers. A series of points of access, or nodes, will provide easy linkage to neighborhood, residential, business, entertainment and historic districts.
Other planned projects that will compliment Riverfront Commons include:
- Creating urban villages in Covington’s 5th street area and along Riviera Drive in Bellevue.
- Transforming the former Kenton County Jail into office space and other uses.
- Creating mixed-use development areas along Ludlow’s riverfront.
- Integrating the expansion of the Kenton County Library in Covington with plans for the Gateway Community and technical College Urban Campus.
Riverfront Commons Concept
Details to be announced in early 2013.
Economic Impact: $76 Million
Jobs Created: 198
Connectivity: Licking River to Madison Ave
- Stabilizes shoreline along Licking and Ohio Rivers and diverts debris.
- Connects Covington Center and East to Covington West and to Downtown Covington.
- Protects utility structures while providing pedestrian and vehicular access to the river, with walking paths, bike trails, driving lanes and docking facilities.
Economic Impact: $1 Billion
Jobs Created: 6,700
Connectivity: Veterans Memorial Bridge to Taylor Southgate Bridge
- Stabilizes shoreline along Licking and Ohio Rivers and enhances the existing riverfront park.
- Pedestrian bridge connects to Covington.
- Docking facility promotes marine tourism and recreation.
- Connects tourism, retail, entertainment, office and residential with the river.
Economic Impact: $178 Million
Jobs Created: 379
Connectivity: Newport Levee to Bellevue
- Stabilizes shoreline along the commercial and residentially developed riverfront.
- Enhances and protects sewer infrastructure.
- Provides pedestrian and bicycle links from residences to nearby entertainment, retail and office developments.
Economic Impact: $75 Million
Jobs Created: 427
Connectivity: Newport’s Riverboat Row to Dayton’s Riverfront
- Stabilizes shoreline along residentially developed riverfront.
- Provides pedestrian and bicycle links from residences to nearby retail and office and entertainment.
- Enhances and protects sewer infrastructure
Economic Impact: $300 Million
Jobs Created: 983
Connectivity: Bellevue to Ft. Thomas
- Enhances and protects new sewer infrastructure.
- Connects retail, office and residential development to the marina and the river.
I-475 Bridge Graphics
Riverfront Commons Brochure