Beginning a document about successful grant writing by highlighting progress on road construction may seem odd. However, Rt. 9 is such an integral part of the revitalization for our urban core; it would be unconceivable to discuss our successes without mentioning it.
Rt. 9:
The initial phase of Rt. 9 is currently under construction. The work that is occurring now is mostly utility relocation. Completion of this section is scheduled for May of 2016. On October 23, phase two of Rt. 9 was let. Phase two is the section from the Taylor Southgate Bridge to just past the roundabout at the base of the Veteran’s (4th Street) Bridge. Completion date on this section is scheduled for September of 2017. The final phase three is currently scheduled for bid letting in August 2016 with a completion date in the spring of 2018. Phase three was scheduled later due to the complications of right of way acquisition through the government subsidized housing. The final agreements with Newport have been reached and HUD has endorsed that agreement. This could potentially allow for both the bid letting date and the completion date of phase three to be moved forward substantially. As an aside, the land acquisition cost of the project has been greater than anyone anticipated. The cost of acquisition of land is over the 21 million dollar mark while the construction cost has remained at essentially 14 million. The original budget for the entire project was estimated at 26 million dollars.
Currently, as a part of a successful SNK grant through OKI two years ago, Ludlow is about to construct phase one of Riverfront Commons. That section has been well documented in other reports. On two occasions, Southbank submitted, on Ludlow’s behalf, a Transportation Alternative grant proposal for Phase two of Riverfront Commons to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Each time the project was rejected. In an effort to find “another way to skin the cat”, Southbank submitted the grant proposal to OKI during the spring of 2015. Success!! This OKI grant will build approximately one mile of Riverfront Commons Trail from Ash Street on the east to Hooper Street on the west and connect with Phase one currently waiting for bids to go out. The Phase two project consists of 41,525 Square feet of concrete for a total cost of $ 300,166. Funds are currently available. Once the Memorandum of Agreement between the city of Ludlow and KYTC is signed, an engineering firm is selected and appropriate easements are obtained, construction can begin. Hopefully, this can occur in the fall of 2016. With the two grants currently approved, Riverfront Commons will cover approximately two thirds of the Ludlow riverfront.
During the spring of this year, Southbank submitted, on behalf of the city of Dayton, a grant proposal for CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality) funds. The project is for a section of Riverfront Commons which will begin near O’Fallon Street on the west side of Dayton to Berry Street along the Ohio River. The project also allows for a handicapped accessible ramp on both sides of the existing flood levee to ensure appropriate access to Riverfront Commons. The total distance of the project is approximately one mile. The total funds for the project are approximately $662,984. The funds will be available in July of 2016. Once the Memorandum of Agreement is signed between the city of Dayton and KYTC, an engineering firm will be selected for the project with construction beginning in the fall of 2016. Since the land for this project is owned by the city of Dayton, no easements will be necessary for the completion of the project. Governor Beshear was in northern Kentucky on October 21st to present the ceremonial check to the city of Dayton.
During the spring of 2015, Southbank submitted on behalf of the city of Newport a Transportation Alternative grant proposal to OKI. On June 18, 2015, Tom Fromme was notified that the grant had been approved. The original request for funds was for $1,371,783. The project is a part of Riverfront Commons and will construct two pedestrian bridges both connecting to the Taylor Southgate Bridge. The eastern bridge will begin at the termination of the earthen flood levee behind the Newport Aquarium and connect with the existing sidewalk on the east side of the Taylor Southgate Bridge. The western bridge will connect the top of the existing flood levee to the western side walk of the Taylor Southgate Bridge. In addition to the bridges, a handicapped accessible ramp will be constructed on the riverside of the existing western flood levee. Funds are currently available. No easements will be required.
The city of Covington applied for a Transportation Alternative grant to improve a node of Riverfront Commons. This project includes a continuous walking/biking path from Greenup to a lookout area on Madison Ave. The lookout area will be suited for multiple activities enhancing the Riverfront Commons experience. Southbank was not the primary author of the grant application however; since the grant was an integral part of Riverfront Commons, Southbank was a partner to the Covington application. In conversations with the Transportation Cabinet, we were advised to reapply under the CMAQ application process. The original application calls for $4,892,387 to be allocated to construction. The city of Covington has pledged a match of $978,477. To satisfy the 20% match for this grant. When Governor Beshear was in northern Kentucky on October 21, he presented the ceremonial check to the city of Covington. Funds will be available in July of 2016. The city of Covington owns the land for the project so easements will not be needed. This node of Riverfront Commons will connect to the OKI Covington project.
Silver Grove:
Early in the ‘grant writing season”, the city of Silver Grove approached Southbank to request that we apply for a Safe Routes to School grant. We agreed to apply on their behalf and that grant was successful. During his visit to northern Kentucky on October 21, Governor Beshear also presented to the city of Silver Grove a ceremonial check for $250,000. The Safe Routes to School grants are 100% funded so there is no match required for Silver Grove.
There are many other things happening but just in terms of grant writing, this year has been a very successful year. Without question, our success is due to the efforts of House Representative Dennis Keene, Henley McIntosh, Southbank’s grant writer and the efforts of Mike Yeager and Larisa Sims from the city of Covington. Total amount of projects approved for this year $7,437,320. Keep in mind that most of these grants are matching grants so the grant funding will be 20% less.
So in reflecting about the end of 2015 and the promise of 2016, we should take just a moment to celebrate on our successes, be thankful for our collegial relationships and recommit ourselves to making 2016 even better. Future generations benefit when we create more livable communities.
Jack Moreland, President
Southbank Partners