Interim Joint Committee on Licensing and Occupations
AgendaMeeting No.
DATE: Friday September 11, 2015
TIME: 10:00 AM
PLACE: New Riff Distillery
24 Distillery Way
Newport KY 41073
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Adopt minutes from August 14, 2015 meeting.
3. Welcome and introduction.
Ken Lewis, President and owner
New Riff Distillery
4. Economic Development in Northern Kentucky.
Jack Moreland, President
South Bank Partners
5. BR 72 – AN ACT relating to licensing fees and making an appropriation therefor.
Representative Brad Montell
6. Tourism and hospitality modernization
Kristin Meadors
Director of Governmental & Regulatory Affairs
Kentucky Distillers’ Association
7. Other Business.
8. Adjournment.